Health and Wellbeing

At Kew East Primary School, we understand that students can reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy, and safe. Student wellbeing is underpinned by student engagement and school connectedness and encompasses behavioural engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement.

We aim to foster an inclusive and connected school community where difference is acknowledged and celebrated. At Kew East Primary School, we are dedicated to an educational learning program that is inclusive of all and respects and appreciates the individual and their strengths.

Kew East Primary School implements a range of strategies to promote engagement, an inclusive and safe environment, positive behaviour, and respectful relationships for all students in our learning community. We acknowledge the importance of student friendships and peer support in helping children and students feel safe and connected. We acknowledge that some students may need additional social, emotional, or educational support at school, and that the needs of students may change over time as they develop and learn.

Respectful relationships between students are reinforced, and we encourage strong friendships and peer support in the school to ensure a sense of belonging through implementing our whole-school approach to:

  • Rights, Responsibilities, and Respectful Relationships
  • The Kew East Primary School Student Wellbeing Scope and Sequence
  • Teaching of our School Values during timetabled wellbeing lessons
Kew East Primary School Health and Wellbeing